I purchased a brand new Saeco machine that arrived damaged because fedex must have thrown it off the truck or something. aLatteHotte took care of this right away, sending me out another machine which turned out to be perfect. We decided not to keep the Saeco and sent it back to get a Jura; which I should have done in the first place. I was skeptical to order a machine over the web but they really took care of us in a timely way and we received everything quickly, all three times. The Jura that I bought is the Jura S9 and it fits the bill much better than the saeco royal coffee bar that I ordered. aLatteHotte supports both machines, but in the end, I am glad I chose the Jura product because it looks about a hundred years newer in design and it makes that 16 gram shot that they were talking about. The difference is a really strong coffee and espresso shot. I would recommend buying the Jura and certainly I would buy it again from aLatteHotte, they were very helpful and informative and there is a plentiful selection of products that they sell. The hardest part is deciding which one to buy and aLatteHotte made it a very simple process…