I’m 59 years old lady… My skin was so dry and I was looking aged. As I’m working in software field I need to groom up myself and up to trend by professional.
I was customer at another salon for past 5years. But now I feel like the cosmetics and products affects my skin lot. So I just wanted to change over the place. I was searching and thinking for good place for it. Once of my friend who is 25years old suggested me Patricia and she just had proud words about her. I just wondered whats in it praise this much.. Then I went there and discussed about my problem to Patricia who is the owner of the salon.
I really wondered that moment. She is very patent and respects each and every one. As am elder person she cares me lot and did the necessary things which I’ve never seen in any of the salons. They just treat me as one of the customer. But Patricia is too good. She gave respect to my age too and I’m looking very good now. My skin is looking very younger and reduced like 10years young.
All my colleagues are complementing me for my youthness now :) :) My best complements to you Patricia!!