I can start by saying Heather is extremely devoted to her clients, knows the body, keeps her attention on you and your technique like nobody I've worked with, and I would be saying the truth. But that wouldn't give you the total picture. I've been running since I was 11, ran my first marathon when I was 18, so I knew a bit about fitness when I came to Heather looking for some training tips.
Immediately she noticed my flaws and imbalances and got right down to the root of my issues. And while often we tend to ignore our weaknesses and workout our strength to get more satisfaction out of a workout, Heather doesn't play that. In just a couple sessions she managed to do more for me than a ton of my own workouts that went nowhere. External circumstances made us part ways, but I do plan to go back once we're closer together geographically.
In a city where all too many people claim to know the secret to fitness, Heather actually gets you there.