I recently purchased a used car from this dealership. Drove from another state because the deal was too good to be true! Well that is exactly what it was...to good to be true. After a couple of weeks the car started to smell like smoke. Then the brakes started to squeal. Was told that car was under warranty ""bumper to bumper"" so took the car in for repairs in my town only to find out that the warranty did not cover the brakes. To add to that the fuel lines were clogged up, the air filter was so bad the repairman was surprised the car was running at all. The brakes were so worn they basically were gone. It was a safety issue! $700.00 later the car is now safe to drive.I would be very careful buying a used automobile from this dealership as they obviously do not do thorough checks on the cars. Be aware that not all good deals are what theybseem!