I had a referral from another office to see what was wrong with my 18 month old that has never tolerated touch since birth and she self harms. I wanted a MRI ran on her so I can gets answers. He ask me questions and would rudely cut me off and start talking. After seeing her for 10 mins and knowing nothing about her he dignosed her with OCD and wanted to medicate her. I told him I wanted test ran and he said NO. I told him again I wanted concrete facts before I medicated an infant. He than said ""well she could have a tumor would that be concrete enough"" At this time I broke into tears, I told him I would not medicate or except ocd until I have an actual test ran. He was rude and has very bad bed side manners. He acted like (Dr.House) I will never go back there I will also encourage my friends to go eles where. I have made an appt at ,Kosier Hospital I should of went there first.