Completely unprofessional and unethical. My daughter cannot attend summer camp, so we cancelled 3 months early (April, for a July camp). No costs incurred by Insp Acad, no services provided, no dispute over non-refundable reg fee of $25. But, they do NOT need our $150. They have plenty of time to fill all spots, and the legal small print on the web page states, Payment and Cancellation: The non-refundable registration fee and the deposit of, at least one week fee per camper, MUST accompany this application, to reserve your spot in camp. (NOTE: the reg fee is clearly non-refundable - the deposit is NOT stated so) There are NO refunds for absences, as you are paying for your spot, whether the camper is in camp or not. (NOTE: My daughter is not absent - we are canceling 3 MONTHS in advance) There are no refunds for change of sessions or withdrawals after camp starts. (NOTE: we are not changing sessions, nor has camp started) Change of session is subject to availability. Payments are due one week prior to the session you are planning on attending.