I fell for the come-on advertisement that arrived in my mail. $19.95 to inspect your Air Conditioner. I should have smelled a dead rat. So like a fool I set up an appointment. This guy from Linstrom arrives, spends less than 5 minutes inside, less than 10 minutes outside. I watched him the entire time. The shows me a worn (he says) contactor and tells me I'm approximately a pound low in freon. Excuses himself to write up what that would cost. Now you understand while he is doing this, I do a quick check what a contactor actually cost. He presents a bill $189.00 to replace contactor and $57.00 for a lb of freon. Wants to install a UV system for $1057.00 plus sell me an outrageous service contract. This all amounts to more than I actually paid for the unit. You decide for yourselves if these folks are ethical? Oh a 2 pole 40 amp contactor on line was less than 18 bucks. I threw away $19.95 folks!