My mother was in a bad car accident on March 9th 2012 and was rushed to brandon hospital. NEVER have i experienced worse service. 1) the ambulance took their time getting her to the hospital (25 minutes to go 10 miles) (I arrived before they did). 2) the hospital staff said they would let me know when she arrived and they did not which caused her to be alone after a very traumatic incident for at least 30 min. 3) She was profusely bleeding from her face and no one gave her so much as a napkin to slow the bleeding until I asked a nurse for something. 4) Her shoulder and arm are broken in several places and require re-constructive surgery- the hospital gave her 800 mg of Motrin for this amount of pain (Like that would really help). 5) The man that stitched up her face started the stitching process BEFORE the numbing shot set in. Even after she repeatedly screamed ""Its not numb yet!"" he ignored her and continued to stitch. He was also EXTREMELY rough with the gash in her face. 6) Even though she told the doc that she had hit her head in the crash they didnt do a cat scan or any head exam. She has exhibited every symptom of a concussion that there is. 7) They also only x-rayed the top of her arm and her shoulder even though she told the doctor all of her arm hurt, including the bottom.
This was the worst medical experience my family has ever experienced and I would highly recommend for people to use ANY other hospital than this one.