I have known Marshall Reddick for over 15 years and he is nothing short of a con artist and sociopath. He screwed tens of thousands of people and instead of taking the blame he is using the bad economy as a scapegoat!! Many of Reddicks' deals that went bad had absolutely nothing to do with the economy; rather improprieties done by greedy people. I know several people who worked for the Reddick club and told me horror story after story of how Marshall Reddick looked the other way and allowed anyone to sell through his club without so much as checking their credentials or their ""deals"". Mind you, this is from a guy who said that his club ""does all the checking and homework so that you don't have to"". "":A truly turn key armchair experience."" There is nothing further from the truth. Reddick promised to buy back properties and then when angry investors came to him he refused. So much for guarantees. Just a pack of lies!! Reddick also likes to preach religion with prayer breakfasts and such. What a bunch of BS!!! The guy should be in prison and I was even told this personally by his ex chief financial officer!! Karma is going to get him for all the bad he has done and he will eventually get what he has coming to him. If you read all these positive reviews it is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that they were written by employees in a feeble attempt to slavage the clubs' reputation. Run for the hills rather than buy through this club!!!