Whittier Narrows has one draw back - the guy who Leases the Stables wont abide by his contract. His contract wont be renewed. He is not a Horseman and is not trained in horse-Husbandry - doens't ride horses - doesn't know how to feed correctly or buy quality Hay - or maintain the stalls correctly - putting Dirt that has washed away over the years. He makes you pay for anything he thinks is extra - like Dirt for the stall at $25 a Scoop. Yet he will put dirt in one Boarders stall and not in another for Free. The Environmental Issues -there are Many - as he doen'st know how to Grade or maintain the land. The Fill dirt he put in when he took the land over becomes a Swamp that slowley washes away - along with the Manure - to Polute the grounds! There is No Security at night and things get stollen right out of the parking lot even during the day! At Night it's worse and other things are stollen. No Security in the Pitch Darkness! No sufficient lighting! No Securtiy whatsoever unless the Sherriff drives in occasionally. No one there to check on sick horses at night - they are on thier own! And this year several horses coliced from the Rotten Hay -and h the consessonairre had to be FORCED by the County when they were finally advised of what was going on! There are different prices for different people - depending on who the Leasee likes or doen'st like! Alot more is going on than meets the EYE at this ranch right now and most Boarders Will be glad the Leasee is Outta there and taken over by someone who likes Horses and People Oh -and Dogs! HE has turned the place into a Ghost town with more people leaving all the time because of his Behavior and Buisness Practices - and he doesn't know what to do if the horses get sick either! He has No Supplies to help with Horse problems there at all. The electric water feeders get too hot in the summer and the horses have colliced because they can't drink the water if it gets that hot. The Boarders are respnsible for catchng that as he has never run the water of every stall to get cold water to flow during those hot times, How do I know? I was There! And had to do it myself - unless you grease the guys palm with money to do anything extra or that should be done to begin with!
Can't wait for him to leave in less than two years I think - or Sooner!