I started Karate at Mike Storms with my sons Doc and Levi more because they wanted to learn karate than for myself. By the end of the first class I realized just how out of shape I was.
Since then I am getting in better shape and there have been numerous unforeseen benefits mainly with my sons and their attitudes. To get Levi to do his homework before took an act of congress now he gets his homework done for the whole week in half an hour and is suddenly doing much better at his studies he has more confidence and isn’t afraid to get the answer wrong as long as he is trying his best Levi does things the first time he is asked now (for the most part). I am also finding that he has a little trouble with his balance but I am confident with diligence and perseverance he will improve. This may also explain why he is always dropping things off his plate and spilling his drink. His concentration has vastly improved as well as his recall, all in all a marked improvement. Levi is also sticking up for himself more against his older siblings especially Doc (they are boys and do tussle quite frequently).
Sadoc (Doc) has always been very smart and many things are easy for him to learn more often than not he speeds through things and does a sloppy job (correctly but sloppy) but with the repetitious drills in class and the emphasis on technique rather than how fast or rapidly a student can hit a target or stance his technique is improving and I have noticed the same type of improvement in his handwriting from sloppy and illegible, to neater and with proper spacing. Continued work on his concentration can only to improve his life and all he gets out of it.
As for myself as I said I am getting in better shape with better flexibility and stamina and I am also re-asserting myself in my work and studies(you never stop learning in firefighting). I look forward to more challenges and the inevitable successes that will come with the continued study of Karate at Mike Storms.
Sincerely, Brian Cowart, Sadoc Cowart, and Levi Cowart