went there and bought a new car one of there employees was flirting with me and was standing in front of me with her butt n my face so rather than star at her ass i sat her on my lap (harmless right) she called police filed a report,so now its cost me over 5000 dollars for lying about what happened and saying i held her against her will, there were 2 others in this glass wall office who claim they saw nothing cause they didnt want to get into trouble,and basically in the state of nevada the arrest you without checking a story if someone says they sexually assalted you, really im 50 years old and was playing around spent 40,000 and have to deal with this,well chopper hope it was worth it cause when its said and done im suing your company and this girl for money you cost me, the girl wasnt even cute ugh. thats how they take care of there customers by throwing em under a buss