Hi, I give this psychic a C but I got to warn you about her Mother but in order to do so I have to tell you the whole short story.
You see when I went to see this Psychic her Mexican step mother introduced me to her daughter who did my reading. She was informative about my past and present though I can't prove her future reading yet, plus the fact she saw me have children when I already aborted mine and so she didn't understand why I disagreed with her prediction of me have two more kids or the fact she said the reason why I like men so much is because I was a guy in a past life which I don't believe in, I was a little peeved but I didn't get angry until her Mother came in after 10 minutes, said she need to speak to her daughter, they went into the back and I over heard them whispering, she threatened her daughter that if she screws up the 3rd time and I leave un-satisfied without paying for my reading she was going to beat up her daughter and lock her back up in the attic. So boy did I feel bad for her, I mean she's some what psychic, saying everything really fast and looked into your eyes like she was mind raping/reading you. Spooked me. They came back out and told me they had another customer and charged me $65 and all she did was read my palm and drew cards without fully explaining them and just giving me these predictions that I feel could be true but then her Mom continued to give me psychic readings pretending to be psychic like her daughter but just sucked at it really bad I give her an F, I think her Mother was trying to take over her daughter's business and ruining her daughter's reputation, her daughter is gifted in all but needs to practice her cards a little bit more. I mean she told me 2 pg's worth of stuff in 10 minutes just not good enough, needs to slow down and stop cutting corners and they were not professional enough, I mean I don't feel ripped off just cheated out of time and respect's from her evil step mother asking me personal questions about my job, my health, and then asked me, what is that? after i told her my condition and gave me bad psychic advice and her daughter did not do that. I truly think someone should investigate her Mother. She big and fat with black short dike hair. She rude, bossy, and will shove you out the door if theirs another paying customer even when her daughter wasn't done fully explaining the cards. Just too general and not specific, but the palm reading was an A+. Like I said she needs to practice her cards more. This is a young black hair skinny girl in her late 20ies i think. Well God Bless and Watch out! And to think I almost walked out without paying? To think her Mother would do to that innocent young girl. Beat her up and throw her in a cage over night without food.