I sold my car to this business with a complete understanding that it was being sold as junk. Steve told me that a junkyard in Marengo would be picking my car up and that I would not have to pay for the tow. Steve also assured me that he would shred the tags on my car. About three weeks later, a co-worker of mine saw my car at a gas station in Johnstown with my tags on it. I immediately called Aaron's and spoke to Steve. He told me that he decided to keep it and resell it. Now please understand he told me that the engine had blown up and that it would be at least 1500 to repair it. Well, the car is a 1981 Buick so obviously it isn't even worth 1500. I trusted him and decided to sell it for junk. This place was highly recommended to me so I didn't think twice about it. Aaron and Steve both know that I am a police officer and they still were brazen enough to allow someone to drive my car with my tags on it. Steve failed to properly register the car. He has no regard for the law and clearly he will say and do whatever to make an extra dime. Please use extreme caution if you choose this place to service your automotive needs.