Well its going on a few years since my very good freind shared this story.He is still broken up about it.It appears we keep hearing about establishments called ;Hospice care.Mistreatment ,elder abuse.Hmo's and Ppo's.The FDA and AMA.getting sued for taking payoffs by the pharmacutical companies.Well this is the story of a women that wanted to live.Possibly hmo too cheap to get her a lung. Did her husband and others talk her out of it? Did the husband stay a few years extra with her.Why ?Was it for a bigger return on a life insurance policy? Is'nt that called: ( Murder for Financial Gain) ? Coincidently his sister : Mary was very worried about losing a house.Her son in law could not find work ,to pay him what he beleived he is worth. So perhaps the perfect plan. Hook a women at her house on heroine. Cover the windows .Who will know. She will shut up.Desiring her next fix.She was not allowed to have church friends.Subject to years of belittling.Possible physical abuse as well. The husband made conflicting statements. He was pressuring her to get chemo and radiation. She did not get diagnosed with lung cancer.This is fungas in the lungs. So he changed it to : C.O.P.D. this is the deteriation of the avolie in the lungs that convert oxygen to carbon dioxide. Then it changed again ;Into ( Idopolmic pulmonary fibrosis.That is scaring of lining of the lung tissue. My friend claims after she died in ;( Kin Dead ) Irine the grand daughter of Mary ,his sister came in with a digital camera.What line of work is she in? Her dad was in a gang also in and out of prison. So what does she do ,in this failing ecconomy? Does it have any thing to do with life insurance. Her own sister Molly ,might of been on the take.Out of her own mouth said,""So she is going to die,you're father has a big pension."" She stated this when asked ;""Is my friends aunt Helen injecting his mom with heroine""? She denied it.Now mysteriously the ( private entity behind the scenes must have got to her friend). Now her female friend can't breath? Possible to keep this murder cover up.Well at time and place according to my friend,was : His aunt Mary ,she lives in Walnut.She was very worried about losing the house in West Covina.She was very concerned about it going into foreclosure. Also at time and place was the other sister: Carmen. She had just lost her apartment.Out of work.Never close to his mother.Maybe she wanted to help see it through.Then aunt Helen.She would easily have access to drugs.The ilegal kind. Why? Both sons died from drugs.In and out of prison.Impregnated many tramps.So they could get pregnant and live off off tax payers. Plus we know easy girls are easy pray to those that can kick them down with a fix now and then.If this is the case.Since ( KIN DEAD) has no access control at the time.The guard did not inspect personal property.The elements of a crime are: ( Ability,opportunity,time and place,Motive and Intent). The staf refused to conduct a toxicology.Because of this surpressed evidence: No police report was able to be impliemented,then given to the FBI. My friend called the FBI.They hung up on him three times.They wanted a police report first. Well to make it more interseting: Accross the street from a certain residence was an elementry school. In Covina. The mayor at the time was ex cia. Black budet: Kathrine Austin Fits. How the CIA. Helps various gangs get weapons and drugs. To help balance the budget. Well the revolving door house down the street never one drug bust?? The cops probably called a head of time ,to let them know were on the way. Or maybe might of been on the take.Well my friend says.God knows what happend.But not everything is the way it appears. This is from a movie: With Al Pacino. When he plays the part of a CIA instructor. Now the hmo doctor/expert on lungs. Well that would be doctor ; Petal. He graduated from the University of Bombay ,in 1973. He changed his name.