BL fails to mention that his pet in question is 12 years old, presented with hacking cough, for 2 months, (yhea, real concerned pet parent) not quite sure if you went to Veterinary School yourself, because have you had, you would know when an elderly patient presents with long term hacking cough it could obviously be related to a number of things, could very well be something as simple as Bronchittis, to somthing more complex as a heart condition. The most common and ethical treatment plan would be to treat as Bronchitis followed by a Heart work up if syptoms persisted. as stated ""My guess is that any good and honest veterinarian would have provided the same service."" is just that, your uneducated guess, you recieved an educated, honest response to your question of ""what is wrong with my dog"" "" he said it could be multiple issues"" this is axeactly what it could be ""multiple issues"". You did not recieve a refund for your office visit, because you did in fact recieve an office visit, as well as an educated response to your question regarding your dogs condition. As a veterinary Technician, I have full trust and respect for my Veterinarian. Calling to demand a refund of services recieved and further THREATENING the practice with slander will not further your cause!