I recently bought a header for my 93 Honda Del Sol and specified that I wanted one that was C.A.R.B legal. Today I went to get my car smogged and found out that it was illegal. I promptly called them to be put on hold for over 20 mins. I hung up and called 30 mins later to talk to a manager in which I was told that I would be contacted. It still hasn't happened. Along with the illeagal header the quailty was horrible the studs fell out which in turn burned up the gasket. the overall cost is $211.18 for the header, $14.01 for the frieght charges, $10.76 for the new gasket, $15.36 for the new bolts, $35.00 fore the failed smog test, and 7 hours worth of working on my car. The total cost is $286.31 and 7 hours for worthless illegal junk.