The master of this gym offered me a trial class to see how i liked it. He behaved very politely with me and gave me lots of positive feedback in my ability. It seemed as though this would be a good class to take, because I feel very bad when a person of authority like a teacher behaves rudely with me, and I take things personally, i am very sensitive. The other students there were extremely nice and supportive and I had fun training with them. In adult classes the age ranges from 12-40 years old so there is usually someone there your age. The workout is also very good. Though a few months in i found i was having a lot of health problems which was preventing me from doing well in class. The master seemed to view this as an excuse not to do well and whenever i explained to him what was wrong he cut me off and told me he would talk to me later. I was also sick one day and could not be there for the exams and he still charged us money ($40 dollars or so) for not being there. Although we argued with him he remained stubborn about us paying the fine. I believe this was extremely insensitive. He is nice with children though as long as they do good and especially nice to newcomers (though possibly an act to coax them into signing a contract with him). Know also that although the master may be nice to children he can be very harsh when they fail to not do as he says. Though some may view this harshness as something that builds up discipline in the student, it can be tough to handle for sensitive people like me. So be fully aware of how you can handle stress and criticism before you sign up. This master is very big on discipline and hard work and is not very flexible on it. If you can handle stress though, you have a lot to gain from his class and you will become stronger mentally and physically.