Hi! My name is Deanna, and I wanted to write a review because I need to tell everyone that if you are desperate there is a way to help your acne. I hit my lowest just 6 months ago, I was really rock bottom. I was so depressed because of my acne so I missed school so much I actually got expelled. I spoke with my guidance councellor and she was kind enough to let me know that her son had this same issue. She really understood! She said that dr. Rispler at Laser Dermatology Insititute of california, in just 3 months, got rid of her son's acne and even all his scars. I want everyone to know that you must do laser in order for your scars to go away, there is nothng else that works. I even tried microdermabrasion, glycolic acid peels, nothing worked! Just made it worse and more red. It was really like my whole face was a sore. Yeah it was a sore for eyes! I just finished my fourth treatment, and I am so happy to say I HAVE NO MORE ACNE! all my scars are gone! Just all of them is all gone! My face is not even red! It's like I am 10 years old again! woo hoo! can you believe it! I also bought my guidance councellor a gift for leading me to the right place. I didn't even know they had all the FDA approved lasers. Anyway, I thought i'd share my story, and lead everyone to the right place. Don't suffer anymore! Thank you LDI!
Love always, Deanna