I am writing this review on feb. 22, 2012. Fourteen months ago I called Investment Rarities to ask some questions about some gold coins I had. I was referred to ""Demitri"" who informed me that the company thought gold was overvalued at 1200 an ounce, and that silver! was the way to go from there. Tremendous gains! perfect timing on my part! Like a fool I eventually sent them 49,000 worth of gold for supposedly an equal value worth of silver...... not... I received 38,000 worth of silver! This was after many many calls...... lots of runaround.... I eventually got worried they would just keep everything....... So gold is now 1750.00 an ounce, and I havent even broken even on the silver....They still send their worthless newsletter telling everyone that silver is going to skyrocket!! What a bunch of crap... Obviously I was a fool...... but maybe I can help someone else not be one....... Cal