Bought a brand new lap top from Best Buy and paid an extra $100 to ""optimize"" it. Learned 1.5 weeks later that the computer had a short (i.e. it was a lemon) and tried to return it. They wouldn't refund the $100, despite their assurances that I'd be able to. SO, I purchased the protection plan (outrageously priced) and asked them to fix it. DESPITE their assurances that the protection plan covered everything, they told me that it would be EXTRA $ to fix the computer! Not only that, but it would take around 2 weeks. What student (in law school, nonetheless) can afford to be without her laptop for 2 weeks? $1000 dollars (for a $450 laptop) and weeks of angst later, all I really want to do is set the place on fire. Shame on you, Best Buy, and your customer service and geek squad representatives who defraud customers so willingly.