We found this establisment by Googling Kickboxing. We went in for our free class and decided to sign up our family. We have only been 5 times and are sick of it. I first noticed while sitting in on my daughter's class that kids that had just started that week were far better at the kicks and punches than the kids wearing black belts. Why is that??? Because if you pay $50 you get to upgrade to the next belt color. It's not based on your abilities at all. It's based on how much money you give them. How can I explain to my five year old that even though she is doing all they ask of her and trying her best that she will always be a white belt unless I pay them $50 for the next color?? Because apparently $180/month for the three of us isn't enough to cover that. In our class, the ""Adult"" Basic class. There are kids in there with us who aren't even strong enough to hold the bag for you while your punching it. I wanted to be paired up with my boyfriend during the class but you can't do that because they pair you up by sex. So I get stuck with two black belt females who don't punch as hard as my five year old does. And in turn I can't punch the pad as hard as I can for fear of hurting them because they act like they're too weak to hold it. During our second week we were asked how we liked it and stuff of that nature and so I asked the instructor to explain to me how everyone was on the same level. Because the five times we went we were on basic punches and kicks. The same thing that the black belts were doing. The same thing that my child was doing in her classes. So I asked him how it works that people who had been doing this for months were still on basic manuevers with us. He basically just talked around it and I just said ok because I know bs when I hear it. The night we signed up we were told that we could cancel at anytime even though our paper said we planned to attend until June. So tonight we tried to cancel only to be told by their billing company that you either have to move, die or be injured to cancel. My boyfriend has now called them three times this evening to speak to the owner/manager, whatever he is, only to be told that he's in a class. Funny, we have the class schedule and specifically called around those class times yet he's still unavailble. The first time he called he actually talked to the instructor who signed us up, the same one who told us we could cancel at anytime but tonight he seemed confused by that statement and needed to have the manager call us back. Needless to say he never called and wasn't available the next two times my boyfriend called back. Oh and don't forget that they say you get free uniforms. Yes you do but it's hideous, uncomfortable and hot. We decided to make do with the pants and just purchase 3 tee shirts for $60 then 3 pair of gloves and wraps was $150. Total waste of money!