Dr. Avila is one of the most generous, careful, and respectful doctors I've ever encountered in any field of medicine. If you are in need of pain management, he's your guy. I was lucky enough to find him when all other options had failed me, and I had tried almost every modality of pain care there was to offer. Naturally I had experienced every kind of dismissive, humiliating, disbelieving doctor even though I suffered a well-documented, substantial neck injury. I had all but given up, resigned to living a life in agony with very limited function. My quality of life was nil, and due to marginal benefits and inability to work I had lost about everything else. Within three months of beginning treatment with Dr. Avila, I was back at work, earning, and re-building my life. After I moved to both NC and FL, I flew in to San Antonio to see him, he's that good! The only reason I left his care is that I relocated to Europe. Every pain management doctor I've seen in the years since has followed his protocols, more or less. Today I am a happy, working, highly functional mom of four and wife. I truly believe none of this would be possible without Dr. Avila's care.