I asked for a price over the phone before my car got towed. the worker said he couldn't give me a price. So I had my car towed. It took Foremost 5 days before they could tell me what was wrong with my car and at that point he said it cost $50.00 a day and I owned them $250 just for storing the car on top of the towing expense which was another $250. (which they towed the car only 1 1/2 miles-Foremost was the closest place to the accident) Then the owner told me I could just give him the title to the car to pay for it since he said the car was totaled. When I didn't want to do that. He said he would take less money if I paid in cash. Then when I want to get my stuff out of the car, he started scramming saying he didn't have time for this. I almost called the cops. He was out of control. He locks your car up behind a fence so you can't get to it. REALLY-check it out.