Costco no longer takes everything back with the old policy of no questions asked. So when shopping here, buy less, as you may not be able to return it. Check the expiration code dates on foods. Many are ready to expire in a few days, and others are already expired. I noticed many code dates looked as if they were marked out. I think they are doing this, as why would every package have a smudged out code date? Buying in bulk is not always smart unless you use it all, and use it up fast. I am returning many items now, bought in the past few months, as I put them away for future use, knowing I would be able to return it at a later date if the product failed, but now that the rules changed, without notice to any customer, I am curtailing and purchasing much less at Costco. Maybe that is what everyone is doing, and that is why they have so many items ready to spoil sitting on their shelves.