I have suffered from neck pain for years. I also experience headaches, nausea, and tingling in my fingers. After reading the great reviews about Dr. Matin I figured I would see if he could help me with my condition.
I was in tears the first day I met him because I was in such a miserable state. He was very considerate and talked me through all that I was experiencing. He asked me if I was feeling foggy headed and depressed. I was indeed experiencing these things as well. He suggested a treatment plan that could help. It has been only a couple of weeks and already I feel different. My neck pain has subsided along with most of the headaches. I feel more alert and energetic. I feel that I have found a way of living a healthier lifestyle under Dr. Matin's care.
Before I sought his treatment I considered taking prescriptions for all of my symptoms which would have included pain medicine, muscle relaxers, anti-nausea medicine, and antidepressants. I am thrilled that I have been able to avoid most of this. I highly recommend his practice to everyone.