My son15yr went to this hospital because he was having black outs shortness of breath,tightness in chest,vomiting irregular heart rate ,blurred vision,lathargic,dialated pupils and underneath nails deep dark blue,hands turn heart and said he couldn't get enough air when he was in football practice and every time he exerts.This is not some thing that happens once in awhile it's every time he exercises.last March was the worst I thought he was going to die.Know he stops before it gets as bad as it did that day,He is very athletic 148pounds and 6foot.The nurse Nancy in pediatric cardiology was so rude.She made us feel like we was wasting their time.She asked my son ""WELL HAVE YOU EVER COMPLETELY PASSED OUT I DON'T MEAN BLACKIN OUT I MEAN HAVE YOU PASSED OUT BE HONEST?""When he went to answer she cut him of wouldn't LET HIM FINISH TELLING HER!She wouldn't listen to any thing he would say or listen to any of us for that matter.""She wouldn't even look at us .I tryed to tell her about his irregular heart rate when his rate gets up to 120bpm thats when it goes irregular.her reply very rudely was ""ALL KIDS HAVE IRREGULAR HEART RATE""I'm not a nurse or a Doctor but what I am is a MOM!My son has no energy when he gets home from school he goes to bed most of the time till the next morning.Of course this nurse had some thing smart to say about that as well""There was absolutely no understanding,wouldn't listen,did not care and made me feel like a waste of their time.Just down right hateful.Never in my life time have we been treated so bad from a hospital as our family was at VANDERBILT CHILDRENS CARDIOLOGY CENTER.With out telling us what was causing my child these episodes when he would exercises they told him to go ahead and do football.Are you kiding me..He passes out every time he trys, to play football.How in the world could they release him for sports with out even knowing whats going on with him.I'm affraid he will die one of these times.When I said that they laughed at me.I PRAY TO GOD NOTHING HAPPENS TO MY SON BECAUSE THEIR LACK OF CARING FOR MY CHILD.If it's not heart then refer us to some one else who can figure out whats going on so my son can be a active happy athletic teenager again..God bless