Over the past six years, I slowly gained weight accumulating an additional 30-40 lbs that had not been there before. I thought I was eating healthy-always reading articles and listening to the morning shows constant suggestions. I also regularly worked out. This ""Do it myself"" method stopped my from gaining more weight but did not help me those any weight...And then along came Greenlite. My friend works at Greenlite and thought that it might be a good fit. So right during the prime time of indulgence... (the week before Christmas) I decided to start. As of 2/8 I have lost 16 lbs....half way to my goal and the weight of 2 of the bowling balls I prefer to use. Not only is the program educational---Seriously our portions are out of control--but also the weekly visits really keep hold me accountable. The staff are so friendly and encouraging and make it even more fun to succeed. The cost is extremely reasonable- Getting healthy now just saved me years of other health bills and hazards. Definitely Do It!!