i have read some of these reviews. some are totally false. irishlonewolf and chad s are the same person. this person came in for service. his battery had jumper wires attached to it. the service thought he should replace the battery as it was dead. he didn't have permission to do so. when the customer came in he was told of the events. he said he wasn't paying for a battery and would dispute the bill. he was showed on test equipment on the counter that it was no good. he was told he wouldn't have to dispute the bill, the battery would be removed and takebn off the bill. he wouldn't have that. he wanted the battery but kept saying he was going to dispute the bill. he was tolfd the old battery would be put in and he wouldn't have to worry about that. he would not let anyone put the old battery in. he took it off the counter.\r
so yes he left with a bike with no battery in it by his decision.\r
we have been in business for over 60 years. you don't stay in business with out taking car