GO ANYWHERE ELSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r
I discovered this week when I tried to wash my car windows with the windshield washer switch that the fluid was frozen solid. When I called them, Graham Chevrolet told me that they just added water to the windshield washer fluid reservoir when they changed my oil in October - and that's what they always do! Fortunately, I had told them what oil to use (5W-30) so hopefully they did that right and my radiator had just been flushed and new antifreeze put in here before I drove to CA. \r
I called my mechanic here and he had me bring the car in today so they can put it inside over the holiday tomorrow and it will begin to thaw. If the reservoir is cracked, they will have to replace that and if the rubber tubing is split, they'll have to replace that too. \r
They were really rude at Graham Chevrolet - told me it was my responsibility to have my car winterized. I told them that even in Florida, they always fill your washer fluid with the right stuff - even in the summer time - because I've been driving for 50 years and spent winters in Nebraska and never had it freeze up before - on any of my cars!