I've been trying to sort our some physical problems for over thirteen years. If you can picture yourself going to work with a bad case of the flu, you can understand how I felt - muscle aches, lack of energy, spaced out, etc. I went from one doctor to another without any noticeable, positive change in my symptoms. Some of the things I did to feel better was simply to stop taking prescription medicine. I've been seeing Dr. Maulfair for about six months and my condition has steadily improved. I noticed some good improvement as a result of the Candida treatment. There was additional improvement when we started the Hydrogen Peroxide treatments. I noticed dramatic improvement when we started the Chelation Therapy. One of my how am I doing tests has been my ability to exercise. Until we started Chelation Therapy, I simply could not force myself through any exercise for more than a minute. I often awoke six or seven times each night because of muscular aching. Often I could not get back to sleep. In the past month, I've been exercising two or three times a week with light weights. I rarely wake up more than twice a night and usually get right back to sleep.