Carefully check your bills. When you buy a car there, you are supposed to have lifetime pa inspections for free. Not so-every other time they hit you up for it. Oh, and expect to pay $130 for an oil change and tire rotation--even when you tell them not to rotate the tires. Also, when you leave the car there for an entire day, they are supposed to hand wash it--that's part of why you pay $130 for an oil change. But 99% of the time, instead they give you a car wash coupon and tell you to go get it yourself so you end up paying in the end by tipping, etc. Another thing-expect the thing that's wrong to be the worst possible thing--not the inexpensive fix--or at least that's what they will tell you. Finally, most dealers will tell you about a coupon on their website that applies to the service--not this dealership. I had an bill for several hundred dollars today and had they mentioned the coupon, I could have saved 10%. Happy Holidays Piazza Acura of West Chester!!!!!! For seven years we have been having all of our service done here faithfully but today we are done.