Are you kidding me?! How could anyone give this guy a good review? I ONLY WISH I would have done my homework on this so called oral surgeon before I took my daughter there to have her impacted wisdom teeth removed. My daughter literally was in there 10 minutes and I'm horrified to think what she went through while she was out under general anesthesia! When they called me back, I knew immediately something was wrong! Not wanting to scare her, I let them wheel my child out to the car where my husband was waiting. She looked like a stroke victim! I went back in the office and found this so called Dr. and said you have done something to my daughter. She could not close her eye, or smile. He came out to the car and stated it was probably from the general anesthesia. Then after he saw her, he stated it was facial palsy from the change in temp from the office to the car. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? She was like that while she was sitting in his chair!! So, he never checked on her after he YANKED her teeth out. The so called nurses didn't catch it either. SEROUSLY??? Dr. Salono runs those children through there like cattle and that's the only way I know how to describe it. I will also find every review page and WARN people to stay away from this guy. And EVERYONE should REPORT this guy to the state boards. Dr. Solano, you should be ashamed of the way you treat your patients.'s pretty obvious when I mentioned your name to friends and family...they were horrified I took her to your drive through ""office.""