Beware that this business is scamming people with bogus repair estimates. There is a reason that they require huge upfront deposit just to look at your problem. It is a scam folks plain and simple. If they do not find enough repairs needed to take the dollar amount over the deposit they will give you an inflated estimate (make up stuff), well beyond what is necessary. And if you are unhappy with it they just keep the money for hardly any amount of time spent on your equipment / device. Unless you already know what is wrong with your equipment / device and have a good idea of what it will / should cost to repair (namely you are bringing it in for the specific repair and not the diagnostics or estimate) ...stay away from this business! They are dishonest. They feed off people that do not know 'what's under the hood'. You may get lucky and have enough repairs needed that they can legitimately charge you a dollar amount they'd like to get. Otherwise you would be foolish to do business with these guys. Be smart and find another legitimate electronics repair store.