GHETTO!! Steer clear of this place!! The property is built on an old burial ground and maybe why so much unrest is prevalent. Cops should just keep a couple cars on site daily, it's that bad! Very shady characters are seen walking through all the time, and I've seen drug deals in broad day light there!!!!! Karla, the property manager, is one nasty and vulgar lady! Why she is managing is beyond me. Management in general is terrible- not helpful, rude, return calls are very late, they charge $50 late fee after the 5th and another $50 if unpaid by the 10th!! Can we say scam anyone??? Rent is way over priced as it is. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen! Maintenance is a HUGE joke (which are her kids, and I doubt they have knowledge or training in the trade). I learned how to fix and repair things on my own because they wouldn't fix it or do it right. Their ideas are slapping band aides on rather than getting to the root of the issue. It's very noisy, kids screaming and playing in the parking lot, car stereo systems blasting at 2 a.m., walls are paper thin, I can go on and on. Turn over is insane. New neighbors coming and then quickly leaving.