Thanks to Dr Oleg Davie 15 yrs after having c-section and 2 kids, my stomack was just a huge kangaroo pouch. It was so overlapped, I hated looking in full length mirrors. I did not even want my husband to see me naked. All doctors I saw recommended only tummy tuck and I hated to undergo this procedure because of general anesthesia and radiculous ""smily face"" as a result. I red somewhere that Vaser lipo and liposculpting and surgical technique called by doctors ""superficial liposuction"" can provide substantial skin tightening and then I found Dr. Davie. It has only been a week since my Vaser lipo and I feel like a whole new woman! Yes, I'm still sore and quite swollen but there is no more pouch! I could not beleive my skin can contract so much. I can already see my feminine shape. It's beautiful work. Dr. Davie is a master sculptor!