Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3, tells us there is an appointed time for everything and a time for every affair under the heavens. My mother knew it was time for her to leave her home and seek a new place in which to live, one in which she would have her own apartment with her own key and, of course, her privacy which she valued so much. And so, she found her new home, Sonoma Serenity Home, which offered her the assistance she needed to live comfortably. At Sonoma Serenity Home, there was time for her to laugh (Julia always loved a good joke), a time to dance, a time to dress up for the ?Roarin Twenties? and ?Mardi Gras? and other get-togethers, and a time to enjoy the enthusiastic, loving staff and families. There was time to participate in arts and crafts, games, walking, praying, meeting friends and family in the Country Kitchen for coffee or tea and a baked treat. There was always time at Sonoma Serenity Home to love, a time to embrace, and a time to be at peace.