I had a very bad exprience with Dr. weihs, nurse. I was highly recommended by one of my close friend.
I was pregnant going on 7 weeks and have already made my 1st appointment on Dec. 10th 2011. Three days before I was to go to my appointment I was experiencing ligt pink charge when I urinate. I've called Dr. Weihs and her nurse advise my if I started to bleed to go to ER. Late that day sure enough I started bleed. Heartbroken I went to ER had serious of test and urltrasound and doctor saw blood clots around corner of sac. Doctor told me if I bleeding doesn't stop I will have a miscarriage. Sure enough 4am that morning I believe I did had a miscarriage. This being my second child, I didn't know and never had a miscarriage before. Next morning I called and spoke to nurse she told me to call and get all the blood work and test results from St. Davis and have them fax her. I did what she told me but operator told me it will be between 24 to 48 hours to get my result and my appointment with them was the next day on 10th of Dec.
Needless to say, I called back to nurse and told her I will go back to my old provider at ARC since she told me she doesn't have quick access with St. Davis, have I not gone to Seton she would have access to it. So, she doesn't know how to classified my appointment because she didn't know I was still pregnant or not?! I'm already freaking out and felt like they don't want to service me. I felt so completely lost and she made me feel so awful! I was having this personal issue and experience and she made me feel worst. All I wanted to do was to be taken care of and see Dr. Weihs and go from there! She told me if I was still pregnant to got back with them. Hell NO!
I've tried seeing my old doctor but she was on vacation and couldn't see me. But, I still saw someone else who was able to take care of me. I was able to take another ultrasound and they saw no baby. At least, I was able to feel like someone care and are willing to ease my disappointment. Instead of making me feel like I an appointment!
It's been a month now and I still feel very hurt about my experiences. If I still have a baby or not I could have still see Dr. Weihs and kept my appointment! But instead I was force to choose and do my own clinical calls!