i live in mill valley california and work in a salon as part of my externship program while attending full time cosmetology school. i work full time as well as school in a high end, pressured environment. i am a valuable assest to the community i serve and am native to . the offensive, inappropropiate, inacceptable sub level service i experienced not only today but, previously, (always in hopes of amore positive future exchange), was the last straw. i am so completely turned off to your services and staff there will no future relationships, not only with myself but the salons, stylists and clients i service/commerce with. to describe the inept, disregarded, humiliating customer service i was privy to,(at the hands of a young asian female), at your san rafael location as poor would be on par to referring to the holocaust as a slight misunderstanding between two peaceful allies. truth be told, the cosmo prof location in san rafael has a rotten reputation all over the stylist community in marin county. get your priorities straight and hire some professional, presentable staff