My car was towed by quick response towing after I walked away for about 5min. I was told it was $300.00 CASH ONLY. Went to pick up my car could not look at it or in it until I paid and signed the paper work. Went back to the store and spoke to the owner were my car was towed, He stated he never authorize quick response and that the address on the slip that was given to me was not there address. At this point this is a civil matter I don’t know who else on here will like to file a claim or be a witness in a trial. I am asking for jury trial, and suing these thief’s for ripping off people in the city of Baltimore.
I have printed a form from the IRS site that I have filled out and made a copy of the receipt that was given to me and sent it off to the IRS. I also made a claim at the BBB. greatermd.bbb
Please feel free to contact me if you would like me to be a witness to testify about my experience with Quick response towing. I will also like to have a few witnesses at my jury trial when time comes.
Please feel free to contact me at
0r text me or call me @ 240-745-4215