I am definitely surprised at the negative reviews. I've been at Church on the Rock for just over four years and I've never heard anything about curses or hexes. I appreciate Pastors preaching the Word and encouraging us to study the Word and find out for ourselves what it says. I've seen some incredible results in my life and in my family from being planted at COTR (Psalm 92:13, 1 Cor. 12:18) and putting to practice what is being taught. Like one reviewer said, demonic spirits don't bring blessings; it's just not possible in a place where the Holy Ghost is always present and the Word is being preached. I've never felt pressured to give or serve and I appreciate our Pastors giving all glory to God. Maybe those who wrote the negative reviews have never been taught on honor (1 Tim. 5:17). I've never seen anyone bow down to our Pastors, but I have seen plenty give honor where it's due. Can't really argue with the Word (Psalm 119:128). Again, I've seen too many results in my life to call what's being taught anything but the Word. I can't discount what God's doing, and I know many others who've been healed, delivered, and set free by Jesus since they've been planted at COTR and acting on the Word that's being preached. Seems like a slap in the face to Jesus and to those that have received miracles to call them fake. I wonder if the woman with the issue of blood had people calling her miracle fake in her day. I'm not saying COTR is the only great church out there, but it is the place where my family and I are planted and growing and learning to spread the Gospel. I'm very grateful that God loved me so much to perform His Word in my life and give me such a wonderful church and Pastors (Jeremiah 3:15).