This review is about the utter impotency of the management in terms of noise-control of tenants. I'm writing this at 4am with an elephant stampede through the roof along with loud 'singing', music, yelling, etc. (Similar noise issues --- primarily the female tromping and pacing back and forth ad nauseum in heels --- occur daily for hours on end.). So far tonight, ""management/security"" has been called twice as well as the Boston Police. There's still a ridiculous amount of noise. When I called managment they endorsed having already received complaints tonight. So why no change in the situation? I'm on call tomorrow and would have liked to have a good night's sleep. These episodes have been going on for well over a year --- without any apparent ability of the management to influence their tenants' behavior.\r
The managment is utterly impotent and clearly does not care whatsoever about the satisfaction of their tenants.