Save your money and take your business elsewhere, learn from my mistake. I ordered the Teleflora's Possibly Pink bouquet and it arrived in bud form. The 7 bud roses NEVER opened and the mums died almost immediately. The one lily was in bloom and was fine. The second lily opened finally after a couple days and died the next day. I called the florist to tell them how unhappy I was and was told there was no manager available. When I explained my dilemna with the bouquet, one of the workers said she would never give me a new bouquet if she was the manager. I was shocked at how rude they were! She claimed that all flowers die and what I had experienced was normal. I've bought my fair share of flowers and I know this is far below what is norm for longevity of these flowers. Save your money and use any other florist there is. It will be better. Customer service and quality of product is zero.