I have been doing Xtreme Bootcamp for 2 years now. I first came to Pete and Alyte after experiencing several miscarriages. When I started I was overweight, sad and in need of change. Pete and Alyte both "held my hand" through one of the most difficult times of my life. Not only did I begin to feel better emotionally but I also lost 17 lbs in the first 8 weeks!! And let me tell you for a 5 foot two person prone to weight gain that was an achievement I never believed possible. After 4 months with Pete I found myself pregnant again and went on to have a healthy baby girl! I worked out with Xtreme as long as I could and came back 7 weeks after my delivery! With Pete and Alyte's help I was able to lose ALL of my baby weight by the time she was 6 months old! I would recommend Xtreme Bootcamp to anyone ready and willing to make a change! Pete is tough and will push you to your limit, but he'll do it in a way that makes you feel like he understands exactly how you feel and is there to help you up when you fall. It is an incredible value for the money, and I could never repay Pete and Alyte for what they have given me over the last few years. Xtreme Bootcamp is something that I cannot live without and if you give it a try for a few months you will feel the same way!