My dog BuJoo had a lump underneath her arm and chin - I was able to get her in the next business day. Dr. Rule and Alexis immediately took her under their wings and did their very best with her. She ended up getting a mouth infection and within two days they were able to get her in again. They called to follow up! They were always thinking of her! My husband and I were able to visit her after hours when she ended up staying overnight with an IV. I was even able to pick her up after hours. Dr. Rule always made himself available. We were able to call him personally about anything! He did blood work, steriod treatments at minimal to no cost because he cared and wanted to help us. He has a huge and kind heart! He took the time to really see what was going on with her. I think other patients tend to feel like he may be rough on the animals but he was the third vet my dog had been to throughout her life and was the only one to help! He actually tried to get reactions out of her by really digging deep to see what was going on. He is a problem solver to the best of his ability. If it wasn't for Dr. Rule, Alexis and his wife my husband and I would not have had two extra weeks with her. Sadly, she did become very ill - and there was nothing that could be done unless we were to watch her suffer. Her bone marrow was shot and her blood cells no longer had oxygen in them. She was dying. Dr. Rule and Alexis came over to our house to keep BuJoo comfortable and put her gently to sleep. BuJoo was so relaxed with them and trusted them very much. I was terrified to put her down but they did such a fantastic job. It was relieving to our hearts to see that both Dr. Rule and Alexis truly loved her. They were not afraid to express their sadness and condolences for us and for their loss. They even created a spotlight section at the office for BuJoo! They fought for her and we will never know how to thank them enough. I will always be taking my animals there. They are WONDERFUL!! If you really care about your pets take them here! Dr. Rule will help the best he can! Ask him questions - he will answer. Alexis will make your pets feel like they are loved from the get go. I'm so happy!