""Being that I am dark haired and dark skinned, I was turned away by many laser hair removal companies who claimed that their laser would not work on me. The hair on my body grows at a rapidly fast speed, and so I would need to wax every three weeks. I heard about Aura Laser Skin Care, and heard that they were particularly familiar with more difficult types of skin, such as mine. I called them on the phone, and I could tell right away that I was going to endure a wonderful lasering experience.
On the phone, the woman named Stacy, whom I spoke to was very friendly and fit me in almost immediately. When I got there, I was taken aback by the cleanliness and beauty of the place. I was assigned to a skin care specialist, who examined my skin very thoroughly. She pointed out various sun spots I had gained over the years, and told me about the lasering process. She hypothesized that It would take about eight sessions for me to be hair free, forever.
The lasering process was not painful at all, and every time I felt a bit of discomfort the skin care specialist made sure that I was ok. The people at Aura Laser Skin Care Center were very kind, and they provided me with great service.I highly recommend using Aura Laser Skin Care Center, they are devoted to their customers and offer great clean, professional, and effective Laser services!""