This place is just a joke! It is run by 2 druggies who go around stoned all of the time and kicking people out for doing just what they do. And that joke of a preacher that runs the place lets them do it because they kiss his butt. Then he goes and preaches that you must do good and as long as you turn in your drugs and money to him you can stay there. He takes all of the retarded people on disability and controls the checks and don't give them but 2-3 bucks a week and makes them beg for it. He needs to be turned in for a investigation of the retarded people checks. He makes one person live in a closet with ne bed and a small tv. Don't let your friends or family stay there and don't give them no money. They already sell the food that is give to them, so BEWARE of this wwolf in a sheep skin.