(Happy New Year Party 2012)
Cosmopolitan COACH has alot of competition, but the one thing the competition don't have is FRANK. My family and I have been using his company for over 20+ years. Everyone I know who has an account established with Cosmopolitan COACH never ever had a problem. Unfortunately there are people to make a mountain out of a mow hill and we all know who they are. Everyone likes something for nothing all you have to do is ask. Frank is a very fair person. He goes beyond his means in making you very very very comfortable & takes his time to make sure its all about EQUALITY. Enough said, another successful night Thank You again Frank for being there last minute. I wish you and your staff a very Happy New Year. Sorry i haven't posted this sooner just sobered up from the New Years Eve party...=) Need you again this weekend coming. You guys are amazing always coming through......