As a consumer I'm extremely dissapointed that I couldn't work out a payment plan. This institute of nonsense purchased a loan from a Creditor that was more than 6 years old for pennies on the dollar and then immediately sued me. I'm recovering from 3 surguries and a major life event and have credible credit and history. They only wanted to know my employer so they could immediately file a writ of garnishment. I appealed the cost in court and now need to file bankruptcy so that I can afford to pay a realistic amount of income towards real living and to secured creditors. These guys lost in the end because they won't work with consumers with realistic pay back plans. If you have a business and have customers with credit issues work it out don't hire these people because they waste time and money and only leave bad faith and hardship for both the consumer and business overall. Unprofessional, unable to communicate over phone, won't document what was discussed and even worse Legal Counsel that could care less about the situation and only plays to ""win"" even if they lose due to dumb strategy and tactical views into credit law.