(BarbR) I love my dog Golden Retriever (Samson) your a fool for saying such things. If a dog is diagnosed with something it is not Just Pets fault or anyone else, it's something that can happen to any one or any pet at any given time. Quit blaming people and blame yourself. Perhaps you should take better care of your pet. Yes, I am angry because of this foolishness. And for (Banshee4u), I'd rather get my pet from a Just Pets than from a shelter, this sounds cruel and mean but I have looked at getting a pet from the shelter but never felt comfortable and besides I couldn't find a Golden Retriever from a shelter. People, I respect everyone's opinion and now I'm giving mine. Keep your opinion's to yourself and if you are unhappy about how you got your pet and where you got your pet then perhaps now you won't get one from Just Pets. Simple! Good day to you all from Samson : )